
Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work, Fareham 2018/04/23

QA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF)

Course dates: 23/04/2018, 24/04/2018, and 25/04/2018

Times: 09:00 - 17:00 (approx) (Registration begins at 08:45 on day one)

Venue: RescueSkills Training Centre, 21 Katana House, Fort Fareham Industrial Site, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1AH

(Free parking available) 

The "First Aid at Work" course will give confidence and practice in the emergency life-saving techniques that are required in those first few minutes before professional help arrives, and includes some conditions/injuries that may occur in the workplace, such as asthma, severe allergic reactions, sprains/strains/fractures (including spinal injuries), head injuries and strokes, chest pains (suspected heart attacks or angina), eye injuries, low blood sugar/diabetes, poisons.  Where the first aid needs assessment shows that conditions/injuries such as these are likely to occur, the HSE advise that first aiders are trained in the management of these conditions via a full "First Aid at Work" course such as this.

Course contents

The First Aid at Work course covers:

  • Managing an incident, including emergency phone calls and record keeping/reporting of incidents
  • Legislation the first aider needs to be familiar with
  • How to prioritise patients (primary and secondary survey)
  • Unresponsive, non-breathing adults (CPR)
  • * Please note that this course will include use of a defibrillator (AED) as standard, as specified in HSE eBulletin June 2016
  • Unresponsive, breathing adults (Recovery position)
  • Choking adults
  • Serious and minor cuts/bleeding
  • Clinical shock (blood volume loss)
  • Seizures
  • Eye injuries
  • Burns and scalds
  • Fainting
  • Asthma
  • Low blood sugar/diabetes
  • Severe allergic reactions (including anaphylaxis)
  • Sprains/strains/fractures (including spinal injuries)
  • Head injuries
  • Strokes
  • Chest pains (suspected heart attacks or angina)
  • Poisons

(For comparison purposes - blue text indicates course topics covered that are covered on the full "First Aid at Work" course, but are not covered on the "Emergency First Aid at Work"course)

Course duration

18 hours tuition time (Guided learning hours) minimum, not including breaks (Total qualification time: 21 hours) for initial qualification, typically over 3 days.


Certificates of competence will be issued following successful completion of this course by the learners.  Assessment of the learners skills will be by continuous assessment by the trainer/assessor followed by two multiple choice assessments set by Qualsafe Awards as our awarding organisation.

Certificates are valid for 3 years, with the strong recommendation from the HSE that qualified first aiders undergo annual refresher courses of at least three hours.

Please note that in order to be awarded a certificate of competence in this course, learners must be able to demonstrate that they are able to perform the relevant skills - it remains the employers responsibility to ensure that learners sent on this course with a view to becoming workplace first aiders are physically and mentally fit to be able to perform the skills that may be required of them during their duties as a first aider (Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 - Guidance on Regulations, HSE Document L74, Regulation 3, Section 55).


Learners may re-qualify their First Aid at Work qualification by attending a 2 day First Aid at Work re-qualification course during the period of validity of their certificate, which will introduce any changes in legislation or protocols, and allow learners to practice their skills and raise any questions/concerns they may have.  Learners wishing to attend a re-qualification in First Aid at Work will need to produce evidence of their current competency either prior to, or on arrival at the course.

Further details on this course, and alternative dates may be found on the course webpage, at www.RescueSkills.co.uk

Clicking on "Add to Cart" will purchase one learner space on the course. and place it in your basket.  To purchase more than one space, please go to your basket, and increase the quantity to the number required, and click on "Update", or use the "Add to Cart" several times.  Please add the course delegate names to the notes when going through "Checkout".

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